Friday, 30 September 2016


“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Cor 6:18-20 NIV)

Rev. Benedict Eghan
Dr. Wyatt Fisher, a licensed psychologist in Denver, founder of the “Colorado Marriage Refresh” in his understanding of the effects of pre-marital sex likened sex to a river. This is what he had to say in his article “Sexual Boundaries”:

“Sex is like a river. Within the banks of a river, the water can flow and be beautiful and passionate. However, if the water runs over the banks, the same river can cause great damage, such as destruction of trees, habitats, etc. Similarly, sex within marriage can be a joyous, safe, and wonderful experience; however, sex outside of marriage can cause great harm. Some of the obvious examples are sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and emotional wounds.” 

In this same article he said, when sex is permitted in dating relationships, “it often becomes the central focus, severely stunting the healthy development of emotional, social, and spiritual intimacy, which drastically reduces the possibility of creating a successful long-term relationship.” This is what I call “missing out on the progressive ladder to maturity in relationships”. So sad to know that, many rush into physical intimacy (sexual intimacy), before they even start the process of knowing each other – thereby reducing what should have been a sacred act into a mere recreational or biological act.  What a sorry state of today’s world.

But the Christian youth must not in anyway bow to the intense pressure to engage in an act that will end up bringing pain and sorrow; an act that has the propensity to derail our relationship with God. “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.”  (1 Corinthians 6:18 NIV). In many of my “youth talks”, I have always stressed on the fact that, the Christian youth should never take a decision or engage in anything at the expense of his or her relationship with God. Though many of our brethren have fallen victims, there is still hope; and that will be the focus on the part four of this article.

As a continuation of my second article on pre-marital (pre-marital sex – not a big deal? pt 2), I in this article seek to address three additional implications that come with pre-marital sex or sex outside the confines of marriage – physical, trust and spiritual implications.

Physical implications:
Here, my focus is the vulnerability to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that comes with pre-marital sex.  This applies to both sexes. However for a female teenager, it is said that since her reproductive system is still immature, she is very susceptible to these STDs. Reading through Harvard School of Public Health website (, on “Disease Risk Index” (for Cervical cancer), I came by this very important and alarming information. The site indicated that, Women who have sex for the first time at an early age have a higher risk of cervical cancer. This may be because human papillomavirus (HPV) can more easily infect a young woman's cervix because the cells in the cervix are still immature. HPV is an infection that can be sexually transmitted, and some types of HPV can cause cells in the cervix to become cancerous.”  So young ladies on the path towards marriage, can you be a little cautious? Not forgetting abortions and its related complications; and the health effects of extreme use of contraceptives. I have personally heard stories where the womb of very young and promising High School Students had to be altered at health facilities because of unsafe abortions they had earlier resorted to.  As I said these dangers to STDs are also applicable to the males. Again, the pressure and the emotional implications that come with unplanned pregnancies are in many cases also applicable to the male counterparts.

My advice to young men: never be part of a lady’s painful or sad story.
Another side of this is the extensive use of aphrodisiac by unmarried young men today who are obsessed with sexual performance; leading to worrying complications at their prime age in marriage.

Implications on Trust:
Young people who feel used or betrayed after the break-up of a sexual relationship may experience difficulty trusting in future relationships. Again in many instances couples who engage themselves in pre-marital sex often struggle with trust after the relationship has progressed into marriage. I met a Christian brother who told me how he and the wife had been battling with trust for ten years in their marriage. All because according to him, prior to his conversion, he had many girl friends and the wife he was married to, was one of the girl friends. How sad! Do we have to go through all these? Pre-marital sex often lays a foundation of distrust and lack of respect in marriage.
Implications on our Spirituality:
Sexual sin, like any other sin cuts us off from God, and this is the most serious consequence of premarital sex. As we seek to gratify the desires of the flesh, we grow spiritually weak and our relationship with God gradually gets destroyed. Our testimony is interfered with and we lose our confidence.
After one engaging in pre-marital sex, he or she is clouded with guilt that weighs him or her down.  What this means is that our bodies, our hearts, our souls and eventually our relationships are not made for premarital sex. We are made for enduring love; and such love is devoid of sin as its foundation.
Continue reading: Pre-Marital Sex – Not a Big Deal? Pt.4

By: Rev. Benedict Eghan

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“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own ...