Thursday, 8 June 2017

FRIENDSHIP PT.4 Characteristic Features of the People around Us – The Negative Influencers

Image result for of bad friends

We are in this article continuing with our series on friendship; focusing on the second category of friends which I call them the negative influencers.  I want to once again reiterate the point that, the people we meet in the path of life either contributes positively or negatively to our lives.

The story of Rehoboam in 2 Chronicles 10, presents to us a clear picture of this category of friends. After the death of his father Solomon, and his subsequent ascension to the throne as the king, the people of Israel approached Rehoboam to plead for a reduction in the workload put on them by his father. In return, the People pledged their unflinching support and loyalty for their new king.  

Rehoboam upon consulting the council of elders was advised to heed to the request of the people to lessen the burden on the people; but this he ignored. He rather went ahead and sought counsel from the young men he had grown up with. He was however ill-advised by these young men: a decision which consequently led to Israel’s rebellion against him.
Rehoboam was supposed to have been a king over the twelve tribes of Israel as was the case during the reign of his father, Solomon and his grandfather, David. Sadly enough, he ended up with only two out of the twelve due to this single incidence of negative influence of his friends in his life.

As was with Rehoboam, negative people are toxic to our lives and their influence can cost us greatly. As the name implies, these group of people influence lives negatively and take value out of your life. These are the ‘enticing people’ the Bible talks about in Proverbs 1:10. The 15-16 (NIV) says, “my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths; for their feet rush into sin…” Characteristics of these people include the following:

  • They seek self-gratification i.e. they are selfish and seek their interest first above anyone else.  
  • Their loyalty ends where their benefits stop. ( Proverbs 19:4,6,7)
  • They seek worldly pleasure and ultimately draw you away from God. ( Proverbs 1: 10-16)
  • They do not seem to have any aim in life and usually want to discourage you anytime you seek to improve yourself. As the late Dr Monroe would say, “these people who aren’t going anywhere usually want to take you along with them.”
  • Their counsel leads to destruction e.g. as in the case of Rehoboam. 
  • You have to put up ‘a certain’ kind of life in order to measure up to them
  • They exhibit symptoms of deep-seated jealousy. They pretend to celebrate with when in actual fact they wish they had what you had or were in your position.
  • They stab you at the back. They often gossip about you to other friends.

It is important to avoid these people as they distract you from your goals in life and they are capable of derailing you from achieving the purpose of God for your life. In as much as the Christian youth is the light of the  world and is meant to be a good influence to such people, however, he or she must be circumspect in dealing with such people in order not to be rather influenced by them as the scripture warns us in 1 Corinthians 10:12. “So, if you think that you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall.”

To sum it all up, let us consider this verse in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good morals””

Written by: Michael Boateng

Sunday, 4 June 2017

FRIENDSHIP PT.3 Characteristic Features of the People around Us

We are continuing with our series on friendship. And in this article which represents the third of our series, we want to delve into one of the characteristic features of the people around us so as to be informed in our choice of friendship. It is important to note that, the people we meet in the path of life either contributes positively or negatively to our lives

Characteristic Feature 1: The Value Adding People
These are the group of people who consciously add value to your life. The Bible talks about them in Ecclesiastes 4:10; they lift you up when you are down. Characteristics of this group include the following:

  • They build you up with wise counsel and biblical values. The scripture compares their counsel to perfume and incense (Prov. 27:9)
  • They intercede for you. (Job 16:20, Dan. 2:11-19)
  • Their presence in your life brings much joy and sanity. Friends stay with you in times of trouble but good friends keep you out of trouble
  • They are faithful friends and they love at all times (Prov. 17:17)
  • They support you at all times. In times of adversity, they comfort you. (Job 2:11) As the cliché says, “best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.”
  • They bring you closer to God and sharpen your faith (Prov. 27:17
  • They support you in your dreams and aspirations and genuinely celebrate with you in your achievements.
  • They bring out the best in you. They encourage you in self, social, financial and spiritual development among several others
  • Simply put, these people make your life better.
These friends are gifts from God, and when found they must be closely held on to. In Ruth 1:16-17, we find Ruth telling Naomi, “…don’t urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die and, there I will be buried…” (NIV). Ruth, who had been widowed at a younger age finally found a good husband through her devotion and obedience to the counsel of her best friend whom she found in her mother-in-law, Naomi.

A similar level of faithfulness is also seen in 2 kings, when Elisha stayed glued to Elijah until he was taken up to heaven. In verse 6, he told his ‘master-friend’, “as surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not live you” (NIV). True to his words, he stayed with his master to the end and received a double portion of his anointing as a result. After that day, with Elijah, his life never remained the same.    

Good friends do not only edify us, they make our lives beautiful.  

Read other characteristic features in our next series.

Written By: Michael Aboagye

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